Friday, September 26, 2008

Why Do They Like ME!!!

When God first created the world, before Eve sinned and brought pain for all of us, I'm wondering what the purpose of mosquitos was? What did they eat back then? I sure know what they eat now. ME! There are lots of theories going around about what attracks these pesky overgrown vampire nats. Some say that dark clothing is the worst thing you can wear in the evening, others say that there are just some kinds of body chemistry that they swarm to. Apparently I am a perfect candidate for this theory. As long as I can remember, I have been prone to not just one or two bites but as many as fifty within just a few minutes.

I went on a mission trip to the Philippines three years ago and came back with 58 bites. Yes I did count them...I had to make it somewhat interesting because the constant itch consumed my every thought during the day and kept me awake at night. Now, here I am, covered yet again in bites. 19 of which are on my feet! I have found that bug spray makes it even worse for me. So what can I do? I now have not only the fear of itching and scarring but now I have the fear of West Nile? Well...while I attempt to patiently wait for scientists to come up with the cure for this disease, I will concentrate on the itching and scarring. I could spend hundreds of dollars trying every ointment out there or I could go with my most recent find...chapstick.

Chapstick costs any where from $0.99 to 2 or 3 dollars, and lasts for quite a while. It is a temporary relief but it does last longer than anything else I have tried. (Rubbing alcohol works but dries very fast and does not relieve near as long.)

If you have difficulty fighting off the mosquitos and their awful poison than at least relieve the itching and save some money.

For more tips click here.


Anonymous said...

My mom told me that there was a news report about mosquito bites talking about a medical report that said people who take B-12 vitamins don't get bothered as much as others.

It's worth a try, I have never been bothered by them, thank goodness, but I take a B-complex vitamin daily just for health reasons, and it really makes me feel healthier. I have much more energy, and it sounds like you could use an energy boost every now and again being a busy stuent an all.

It couldn't hurt, give it a try.
Good Luck!

Linda said...

Have you tried amonia? You can buy something at the store called Afterbite which is a stick with amonia in it. Any amonia works just as well. I have found that it doesn't give instant relief, but if I apply it soon after I get the bite, I get relief in about 20 minutes and the itch usually doesn't come back at all.

I've also had good luck with Burt's Bees bug bite relief which comes in a chapstick type stick. I find it works as well as the amonia. It's more expensive, but the stick is easier to carry with me and it lasts a long time.

Lynn said...

They like me too. :( I will have to try this tip. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I was not aware that chapstick worked. Great tip! We have also found clear nail polish to be a wonderful bite reliever.

~cares~ said...

GREAT! thanks for the ideas Meredith and Kim :) I'm really excited to try them out.

Scott and Beth said...

Oh my word! They LOVE me! I am like you...I will have like 25 bites within just a few minutes. I thought it was my super light skin tone, but you are I do not know.